Friday, May 18, 2012

Weekend Road Trip Inspiration

Can't back out now!!!
it's been planned and cancelled, waited for, scrutinized over...
The time is here for the road trip which I have no money for. Eeeek! But it's All for one of my besties that I am determined this year we will have to follow through. Felt ill this morning but that's not gonna stop me... or is it???

Keep can do it..

My mind is saying go go! But my body is falling behind. Ive had a very hard week in regards to sleep and getting into that deep REM stage. With out it my skin has not been replenished, nor my strength. The dark circles under my eyes now remind me of FIGHT CLUB and I am forced to keep my eyes open with tape like MEL GIBSON in CONSPIRACY THEORY Haha.

So to peak my visual senses and keep my heart rate going, here's my inspiration for this weekend that is looooong overdue:



I love the ROMWE shirt worn by Masha Sedgwick (see above). Goes even better with that hair!




  1. the beach would have been so so without u! thanks for making it an amazing trip! i love the pix u post on here & the first one looks just like u! even ur nails! where did u find her? she must be ur twin! I wanna start a blog now too but then i would just rant about how my day was and it would be so boring!

    1. Thanks!!!!! Although we only had one day and it was cold and rainy, we still made the best of the time we had. Living in the moment never ceases to amaze me :) oh, and the source is listed below the picture. Don't hold yourself back from your aspirations! You never know until u try...
