Showing posts with label Calendar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calendar. Show all posts

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Pre/PostOp Gifts

Looking for something to tide you over when you'll be having cabin fever?

Make a checklist of things to have before you bunker down in your abode:

1.  A calendar to keep track of time - yes you can use the one on your phone, but what if there's a power outage or what if you need a little pick me up and learn through tactile senses? It only helps that you're staring at something motivational, like a zombie killing fighting machine in times of need :)

2. Cozy socks - Definitely helps that one of the coldest parts of the body, in my opinion, is comforted and it's definitely a plus if they're printed so that you don't fall into the cave-person-slump. Feel lively and energetic as you take care of yourself with these simple items.

3. A shawl/sweater/drapery of some sort - helps to just throw something around yourself in case you get chilly and if unexpected company stops by. Opt for something simple so that it will go with whatever gear you have underneath. I've been wearing mine day in and day out to give me the cozy feeling I need no matter what the temperature is outside. Also take into account the lightweight material. Choose something easy to carry and put on. The last thing you want is to feel like you're carrying 5 people on your back while doing squats... eeks.

Thanks to my thoughtful sisters, i've received some amazing and simple gifts for my recovery time.  Unfortunately, i'll be undergoing another surgery and hopefully it'll be my last. Two surgeries in 3 months time is a lot to handle and takes a lot of consideration. Crossing my fingers for a positive outcome and i'm fortunate to have these wonderful gifts to tide me over a second time.