Showing posts with label Indie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indie. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2015

Design Mee Mugs

Super excited to make more mugs for the shop! The one shown above was designed and hand painted by meeeee and more will be coming with my original artworks on them. I love how the minimal abstract design can go with simple or more personalized styles. Can't wait 'til everything gets finalized. What would u like on your mug?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Statement Accessories to Bring the 'Mee' Out of You

As Spring looms with rain and stormy forecasts, it is also a reminder that Summer is coming. Through the rain and sun, eating and partying, here are my picks for accessories that will bring lift to your soul instead of weigh you down. Hopefully, they'll bring out our your own personalized style as they are easily interchangeable with whatever idea you come up with.


forever reblog <3

 These will stand the test of time and are great additions to any collection.  What adds that 'oomph' to your own life?  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

From Winter to Spring : A Curators' Love

For some individuals, curating comes not just in the form of a hobby, but true and real passion. It's not just pressing all the "like" buttons out there to get attention, but actually investing a part of ourselves by saying, I accept this as a representation of what i'm trying to achieve. There is no right or wrong. Instead, curators showcase to the world what can be, could be, and perhaps will be. They take the best of the best based on their vision.
As Spring approaches, I am reminded that I need a new inspiration board to get me through this climate transition and another turmoil... surgery. It'll be my second surgery in 3 months and I absolutely am not looking forward to it. I need to keep myself going and absolutely have to make sure that I don't sacrifice a part of myself and most importantly, my sanity!!! Thus, my curative vision has currently encompassed some of my daily needs.
1. Comfortable
2. Flats
3. Easy and interchangeable items of clothing
4. Effortless
5. Conveys relaxed yet upbeat mood

Curator: @eternallymee
From LtoR via: delphinelabedan, wellerharry, cottds, voices_of_industry, saul_m_, evelynwhitewaterfall, celebfashionws, shantell_martin, wolvestable, nikoleherriott, baristaparlor, thegardentable via annahgram  

Photographer: Lee Oliveira
Photographer: Lee Oliveira
 Take another look at the world around you... what do you see instead of what's shown to you? Visualize your dreams, happiness, goals and don't stop there. Inspire yourself and the rest will follow.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Doctors for Christmas

' Tis the season to do more than be greedy this holiday season.

Right: Dr. Marten's

The countdown is on and i will be getting hip surgery in a couple of weeks but also so Christmas nearing. I will be donating my Dr. Martens above and a few more items for those who do not have the necessities this holiday season. With all the glitz and glam that surrounds us sometimes it's easy to forget there are others with less than what we have.

Let's try to give back and spread the movement! Sometimes all you need is to give love in order to receive it. Send it share it spread it. Infect the world with love!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Insta Gratify Mee

Sunday funday continues through instagram's immediate positive reinforcement to gratify all my desires. I'm a late bloomer of instagram and sad to say I've succumb to all it has to offer, especially for those who are decent enough to do the right thing by citing their sources. All in all it has served as a gigantic mood board of life that represents what @eternallymee is all about.

Here are the best of this week's inspiration in case anyone missed them :

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dance, Dance, Dance - Lykki Li

Full of ups and downs, this week has been full of surprises.  I've been trying to hold my composure as obstacles occur but now all things are piling up at once!  Looking forward to some great projects in the upcoming weeks that I hope to update you all about.  I took a needed break to recollect some of my inspiration to keep me going and perhaps theyll inspire you too.
Bright, Contrast, Color, Distinction, what's not to love~ 
Also, I got some great musical collabs that i'll hopefully get in production this year.  Oh, but the poor car... broken down and sitting so sadly by itself... I will have to do something about that.  So for now, i'll dance!  slightly .




Staz’s from my cover story for Style magazine #12

bunny bunny

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Mee Toukie Favs!!!


These are my favorites thus far of Toukie's posts capturing my ideals for style so very well captured with an Asian imprint.  I love how these are a mix of retro, modern, and vintage all at the same time.  I absolutely love the "nylon" quality and bits of color mixed in.  What works well is the ability to casually wear these styles or amp it up for a night out in the town.  There's minimal accessory requirement, which works well for your runaround day and for those who constantly lose their items!  Mee thinks Mee loves!!!  Platform shoes, boots, eyewear and hats are all simple yet basic needs for everyday wear.  How can you go wrong?!  You can't, even if you tried. These are definite must-haves in my closet and should be yours too!  So get going :)