Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012


Lets these words guide mee...

"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." ~Salvador Dali

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine and the shadow will fall behind you." ~Walt Whitman

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Windblown Obstacles!

I did not know that my last post would of bitten me in the butt.  If I had known, I wouldn't have posted it ahhhh!

There ended up being a huge storm that took out millions of people's power.  Lo and behold, stuck in the summer heat and fallen debris, I was eating my own words to "embrace summer".  It just happened one night with the entire place looking like it was surrounded by the eye of a tornado.  Luckily people I knew were ok, but in the back of my mind I was going through the withdrawal of luxuries, such as power, light, air conditioning, clean clothes and internet to say the least.

Internet still isn't back yet and I'm trying to post this where service is available.  I heard some people died and one of my friends told me that 911 wasn't even working at one point.  This is all just a reminder to be grateful for the little things.  I don't think I'm one of those to take things for granted, but it is a reminder that we are in such a fast-paced world that needs to look at the simplest things sometimes.  The rest of the world went on with their tweets and facebook accounts.  People got mad at pinterest being down at one point I heard, while some still sat in the heat for days on end for power to come back into their neighborhoods.  Street lights and stores all shut down.  So remember...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."
~Fred Devito

My inspiration for this week's obstacles proves true and to the point. A reminder that challenges are just that- they are challenges. It's the action we take that really matters.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Look..."Milla-fied"

For those of you who really know me, I have had one top icon that I have loved since as far as I can remember. She's a model, actress, singer-songwriter, designer, mother, and lots more. She fills her time up with joy and happiness doing the things she loves. I am an avid fan and always will be. Oh my Milla... below she is seen with one of her closest friends and design partner, Sasha.

I think what brings everything together is the fact that I feel she is exactly like me.. as if we were born from the same womb, except for the obvious fact that she is more beautiful than I and has not succumbed to certain reservations due to familial standards. When I am fully myself I see me in her and all the things I could potential become. We are both Sagittarians and have that same desire to create and live in the moment. So then I start to think... where am I going? Am I doing enough? Can I accomplish all my goals? and Why is she so gosh darn pretty inside and out?? :)

One of my favorite movies of hers is DUMMY. I absolutely adore the character she plays and I love the meaning of the story. I think it resonates with me and my internal desires. She has no reservations in the movie and tries to make it in life doing what she loves, while encouraging others to do the same. I think I first saw her in BLUE LAGOON, the sequel, in which she plays an entirely different character. What I love is her humor. She even barks in one of her own songs!

So then, I come across this...
It's Kurt Cobain's daughter, who in this photograph looks exactly like Milla!!!!

Source: chicology

Such emotion and feeling in one black and white shot. I like the simplicity of this shoot and the ease at which it looks like it was taken. I think black and white images speak to me the most and in my own art creations, I usually prefer making that type due to the feelings it can portray.

So ultimately, I figure this is how I feel and what I look for. I like the laid-back, grungy, and carefree looks. I like how dark hair contrasts with skin and sharp features. I see this in myself and the images/looks I choose. Everyday I look for inspiration and find that it makes me move forward and have strength to do what it is I need and want to do. A refocus of sorts. Plus here, where I can share my thoughts, I gain insight into the collection of posts I create.

So I come back to questions such as....
Who or What is my inspiration and why?
What was my dream for life? Did I accomplish that? if not, what held me back?
Where do I find beauty and can I see it in myself?
What am I going to do at this point in time? am I pushing myself as far as I can go?

Monday, May 21, 2012

One of those days...

Rainy, dreary, obstacles... in need of an inspiration


Today's inspiration comes at a perfect time when physically I have not been feeling well and obstacles have been popping up out of nowhere. This quote is a reminder to me of how we must push ourselves to go forward and jump over the hurtles in our lives. There is no stopping us. We are humans full of power, resources, inconceivable energy and will to survive. When times are hard and motivation is lacking, we must prevail. PREVAIL! Believe in yourself, believe in your strength especially if you feel you have none. The most powerful influence is ourselves, our mind, our schemas.

A day like today, when it's dreary and gloomy, I look for my sources of inspiration to conquer my defeatist attitude. First are the words, then the pictures/images, and finally come my thoughts or overall motivation.

Don't be bogged down by worry or the list of things you have to do. Peace, tranquility, happiness is around us everywhere. Make best of your situation no matter what and look at things in a different light. Reframe your mind. These are things I remind myself even during those positive times. I am fortunate to be inspired and hope to inspire others during my lifetime.

Just turn on the lights...

Source: Uploaded by user via Jesica Harris
From Author J.K. Rowling in the Harry Potter series

Japan, Nagano Hotel, tunnel of lights.

Loy Kratong (Floating Lantern) Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Floating Wish Lanterns