Friday, April 27, 2012

Say Waaat?!

What i'm listening to right now: Demons by Fenech-Soler

Why : because I just woke from passing out from the lack of sleep and had to eat ribs in order to wake myself up enough to move myself from the couch to my bed...

When : a Friday night.. yea it may be a sign I'm getting old ...eeeek!!!!

So instead of seeing if people wanted to hang out I am writing to my invisible audience. I think that's a great accomplishment compared to just sleeping :p

So many things to do but I need to put it off until tomorrow. Yea I'm definitely procrastinating but at the same time I need to get at least more than a couple hours of sleep.. maybe enough to at least breathe properly Haha. I cant wait to get my art and photos up properly and maybe some of my own music creations too...well lets see how it goes first.

HTML ... why must you be so fml??

Fast -paced life. Fast-paced world.
I guess I need to refresh my html skills because with the lack of time, I wanted to prepare everything online in the simplest manner for all of you. Indeed I always encounter difficulties!

I have had to delete and postpone some of my posts due to some glitches. I'm constantly moving or having my time interrupted so everything becomes broken down into pieces. I always feel like I'm catching up or not have enough time to finish anything. So ultimately stick with me until I get a full revamp. But hey... not bad for doing all this without my computer :)

Currently, this song fits so perfectly with my mood right now---Comes and goes (in waves) by - Greg Laswell. It's the perfect song for trying to figure things out or being in that state of mind where nothing is consistent and even making ends meet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mr. Man...

Sun shining and breeze blowing, no wonder there were so many people out today. Traffic was crazy! But why oh why, Mr.convertable man, must u drive so comfortably obeying the laws? Must you have your top down and speak through bluetooth so that all of us frustrated drivers have to listen to your conversation?? Luckily there was a song that I liked on and I blasted the tune so that i wouldn't have to hear what ever kind of argument he was having with his supposed wife. If I was a nosey person I guess it would be quite entertaining or maybe if I was also in my 50s I would think, 'hey there might be a possibility ' ...but unfortunately I'm not. Haha.

All in all, I'm not annoyed or bothered by it like it seems. It does make me wonder though... is there such a thing as too much openness? I'm thinking this man really has nothing to hide and he gets to enjoy the weather with the top of his jaguar down. He looked content and possibly high since he was wearing very dark shades.-wink wink -

In salute to the convertable and the man inside it, I believe transformation is the key. It doesn't matter what people think or what they say. Just be who you want to be and bliss will come. Who knew obeying the laws of speed limits and hand held devices could make one so comfortable :)

Song of the day : Monster - bon voyage

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club

So I came across this song and have been addicted to it forever. With the crazy weather changes and inconsistent rain interrupting our wonderful springtime weather, a great pick me up was definitely needed. So start your day off right and start your day off happy! this song never disappoints and now you can enjoy it with me :)

A New Beginning

A fresh new start and what better way than to share this experience with those who love, live, and laugh in the same way as I??

I woke up today with bright eyes and a longing to give back to the world what I've kept in my own heart and mind for so long. Who knows what will happen and who knows where this will go!

Song of the moment : believe- the bravery