Showing posts with label Style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Style. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Statement Accessories to Bring the 'Mee' Out of You

As Spring looms with rain and stormy forecasts, it is also a reminder that Summer is coming. Through the rain and sun, eating and partying, here are my picks for accessories that will bring lift to your soul instead of weigh you down. Hopefully, they'll bring out our your own personalized style as they are easily interchangeable with whatever idea you come up with.


forever reblog <3

 These will stand the test of time and are great additions to any collection.  What adds that 'oomph' to your own life?  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

From Winter to Spring : A Curators' Love

For some individuals, curating comes not just in the form of a hobby, but true and real passion. It's not just pressing all the "like" buttons out there to get attention, but actually investing a part of ourselves by saying, I accept this as a representation of what i'm trying to achieve. There is no right or wrong. Instead, curators showcase to the world what can be, could be, and perhaps will be. They take the best of the best based on their vision.
As Spring approaches, I am reminded that I need a new inspiration board to get me through this climate transition and another turmoil... surgery. It'll be my second surgery in 3 months and I absolutely am not looking forward to it. I need to keep myself going and absolutely have to make sure that I don't sacrifice a part of myself and most importantly, my sanity!!! Thus, my curative vision has currently encompassed some of my daily needs.
1. Comfortable
2. Flats
3. Easy and interchangeable items of clothing
4. Effortless
5. Conveys relaxed yet upbeat mood

Curator: @eternallymee
From LtoR via: delphinelabedan, wellerharry, cottds, voices_of_industry, saul_m_, evelynwhitewaterfall, celebfashionws, shantell_martin, wolvestable, nikoleherriott, baristaparlor, thegardentable via annahgram  

Photographer: Lee Oliveira
Photographer: Lee Oliveira
 Take another look at the world around you... what do you see instead of what's shown to you? Visualize your dreams, happiness, goals and don't stop there. Inspire yourself and the rest will follow.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Insta Gratify Mee

Sunday funday continues through instagram's immediate positive reinforcement to gratify all my desires. I'm a late bloomer of instagram and sad to say I've succumb to all it has to offer, especially for those who are decent enough to do the right thing by citing their sources. All in all it has served as a gigantic mood board of life that represents what @eternallymee is all about.

Here are the best of this week's inspiration in case anyone missed them :

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

O Camo My Camo

I really wish it were warm enough to wear this and I'm pretty sure i could add some leg wear and a long sweater or coat i could but unfortunately I'm cleaning things up so that i can have front row access to my sweats for after joint surgery. 

I'll be limited in terms of my posts here but hopefully I'll keep my instagram updated so follow me there @eternallymee !!!

I hope u join me for my journey and I'll be updating u on further projects soon so stay tuned! This camo bag will probably make several appearances this year as i will most likely use it for the hospital for the extra cargo pockets on the side. I love pockets! 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Comfy. Cozy. Crazy.

Changes will be coming as prepare for surgery set for this December. I've been spending most of my time cleaning and sanitizing the space around me so that i will be able to have an infection free environment. So naturally I've been able to gravitate towards what i love most: sweat pants haha.

I value comfort over everything else and i think that's what i start with when i begin and end any day.

The climate has been so bipolar this November and currently it's so very cold. So in order to rest indoors and occasionally take that breath of fresh air, I've resorted to sweat pants and layering tops to adjust to the changing Temps from indoors to outdoors.

On the plus side I've got pockets and anyone who knows me knows i will keep anything with good pockets. I've had this jacket for years and it's still my go to jacket for all things.

What's your go to item for this season?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dance, Dance, Dance - Lykki Li

Full of ups and downs, this week has been full of surprises.  I've been trying to hold my composure as obstacles occur but now all things are piling up at once!  Looking forward to some great projects in the upcoming weeks that I hope to update you all about.  I took a needed break to recollect some of my inspiration to keep me going and perhaps theyll inspire you too.
Bright, Contrast, Color, Distinction, what's not to love~ 
Also, I got some great musical collabs that i'll hopefully get in production this year.  Oh, but the poor car... broken down and sitting so sadly by itself... I will have to do something about that.  So for now, i'll dance!  slightly .




Staz’s from my cover story for Style magazine #12

bunny bunny

Sunday, April 07, 2013

More Than A Woman | Black and White Basics

Back to Basics.
Yesterday I was with a fever of over 100 degrees and I couldn't keep anything down.  For the fear of embarrassment, I won't describe the ins and outs of the horrific torture I endured.  I must of eaten something bad, but I'm not sure what... I just woke up and all of a sudden BAM!
*yet strength endures*

Luckily I'm alright now and fixed my electronic devices so that I can continue to engorge your brains with my posts :)  Such a beautiful day today to remind me that the weather matches the season. However, while everyone is looking for colors and pastels this season, I find myself embracing the black and whites again for some reason.  So while everyone is wearing colors, will I find myself in solid simplicities?

black + white
koreanmodel:Streetstyle: Jang JinSeung at Seoul Fashion Week F/W 2013  shot by W.S.Cfashionfever:

Photographer: Ted Emmons

Stylist: Deandri

Mua/Hair:  Ashley Gannon

Model: Chloe Blanchard

All Rights Reserved -All images © Ted Emmons
what-do-i-wear:trousers: thriftedjacket: thrifted (similar here)shoes: dr Martenstee: cut off Hema (image: love-aesthetics)

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Little Light - The Airplanes

I don't know what happened this morning, but I feel like I rolled over and just about died... in a good sense.  The inspiration is overflowing and I feel ignited. I suspect that it's probably because of the hint of spring weather today.  I actually didn't need to wear my overly puffed coat that resembles a helium inflated marshmallow enemy from Ghost Busters, the movie. 

Determination has prevailed and some problems were fixed or at least thought of in a new perspective. What I have to look forward to?  Four birthdays this weekend but possibly only attending two, resulting in August Archival Inspirations.

thewhitepepper:Loobook ‘West meets East’Styling and Photography by THE WHITEPEPPER
 e-l-e-c-t-r-i-c—avenue:Hanne Gaby Odiele
via: acetum,
thenastygal:kinda impossible (yet epic) to skate in

thewhitepepper:Leather Skinny Trousers Styling and Photography by THE WHITEPEPPER

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Winter Reminiscing

Winter in mid March... does this confuse anyone else?  Maybe it's just me but this snow storm that came through unexpectedly earlier this week really got me thinking: where am I??

(c) EM
Outside with inches of snow already on the ground and snowflakes falling on my sleeves.
I walked outside and the snow flakes were flying in all directions and so white!  Diagonal snow left and right, all hitting my face at rapid speed.  It was the kind of snow that when looked at closely, you could see the details.  I became oddly happy with the color white.  Is that why they use white padded walls for rooms of seclusion?  hmmm...  
With the colors I was wearing that day, I reminisced of a retro winter and the 80's.  I also remembered a couple of things... 
(c) EM
These are my dad's shoes that I usually forget he even has until I see him wear it.  Does it ever surprise you when you see something stylish from your parents or family members?  Sometimes I go places and there are people's shoes laying at the foyer or door.  Immediately, my mind goes to thinking who's wearing those?  Where did they get them?  Are they comfortable?  For some reason it called to me to take a picture of my dad's shoes because of his stylish gold toe and heel black trouser socks hanging over one of them.  I didn't move the shoes or anything and they already looked like they were set there on purpose for some editorial or magazine.
Then comes the other stylish footwear...
(c) EM

(c) EM
In love with my little niece's warm booties!  Every time I see them I just think: such hairy feet.  Haha no, I actually think they're so adorable and that I wish I could fit them.  I think I actually put it on my toe once... but only to explain that they had to be worn on the feet.  Or was it actually to measure the largeness of my feet???



Wednesday, February 27, 2013

You made me do it...

Grunge Girlies



Roses Are Red
alma jodorowsky
Alma Jodorowsky
I couldn't help it...  I was inspired to start new collection categories to keep me organized by these images.  Now I've got these, plus my original others to organize.  Darn you stylistic images!  Now I've got the additional rock out, eyewear, business, prints/patterns and denim to screen for.  Thunbs up for making me work.