So I came across some clothes and things I had, in order to sort out whatever I had to give to charity. I was surprised to re-discover my pet-peeves of style and clothing. I guess I never really took a look at it all and how my style/fashion sense really tries to eliminate all these "Peevsies". Haha, yes, that's a word in my own dictionary.
Ideally, you've got my attention designers, if you meet these requirements:
1. No fake pockets... I absolutely dislike the "tease" of a pocket that should be there and really isn't! I mean, what's the point of putting a pocket design on the jacket or outfit if you really can't use them? I don't want to poke my finger at the pocket when i'm at the store and find out, hey, I can't really use this. I'm not really a purse person, so the idea of REAL pockets really gets me going.
2. Comfort... In addition to a functional attire, I do love me some comfort! I'm a kinesthetic learner as well. I love the feel of soft and smooth clothing. If you want to make the item cheap, please don't skimp out on trying to make them feel nice as well. It doesn't have to be cashmere, but please, I do not want some sort of rug burn after I try on the item once. Also, not everyone has a stick thin body and not everyone is fat. There are a variety of people out there that needs to be catered to and I have a hard time finding perfect gifts for those that need that "moveability" in their clothes. I like how I could wear a dress and have it be nice but at the same time throw a Frisbee in it if i decide to hastily bomb the party and go to the park :) I understand not all clothing are acceptable for this... but in my dreams they are...
3. No Sharp Zippers... I can't stand the scratchiness of a zipper or the ones that are too difficult for you to zip yourself because you might entrap your skin in one. I don't understand why people don't test this out first or put a 'caution' label on the item because you may need ambulatory help after the fitting. I think there are some things that neeeeeed absolute attention and that is your body. I want to be in one piece after I get out of my outfit.
4. Purses Must have Zippers... or at least the option of closing them, for instance by folding down with a button. I really don't want my things falling out of my bag once I set them on the floor or on the chair. I don't want them to get wet in the rain too. I understand that for some bags I absolutely love the open style, but I love functionality too. So why can't I have both? I'm also not a snooper so I don't want to be seeing some uneccessary personal stuff in your bag and know that you wouldn't want to see mine... It's not like I don't have open bags or purses, I just would prefer it if I had some way to keep my things secure. If I was being chased down the road and into the woods, i'd like to know that my handy dandy bag kept my mace safe so that I could grab it and use it in my time of need.
5. Machine Washable... I know, I know.. some items cannot be machine washable and must be dry cleaned only. Tsk tsk... but that always makes me hesitate to buy the clothes because sometimes i'm in a time crunch, sometimes I don't want to pay for every single item I have to the dry cleaners, and sometimes... i'm just that darn lazy :) It's just a super plus if the item says machine washable! I jump up and down, dance, smile, and think of ways of wearing the items a quadrillion times. So yes, I love me to wash some clothes myself.
*I think there must be something I left out... but honestly, I really do think these must be my top fives. I bet in a week or two i'll be making this list longer, but for now I think i won't bore you with anything more. So there it goes folks... my love for style and functionality put into one. We can make it work, don't you think???