Wednesday, July 18, 2012


What did you wish as a child?

"Wish" - photo credit: Gusti Yogiswara

And then when we get older...

Countless times people have told me what to do, where to go and how to do it. I found that many times people are either scared to take an alternative approach to reaching their goals or pressure others to complete the goals they themselves have failed to achieve. It's one of those days where I had to remind myself, is this what I want to achieve? Will this lead me to accomplish my goals and dreams???

I believe you can achieve your dreams, even by unconventional ways. Hope is never lost and I admit that somedays I fall into the cracks of advice other people tend to offer. If a lot of people tell you the same thing, does that mean it is true? If you're the only one that has a different idea does that mean it is wrong? My goal is to prevail against all odds, however does that mean I should put others against me?

Remind youself of who you are and what you believe. Remind yourself of your dreams.....

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